
Diluvian: “Long lived humans living in low lying river side or lakeside communities” .

Farmers villagers simple folk. Proud then arrogant then wasteful rebellious gods, Usurpers. Cast down victims of a great flood .

Current times.

Lets start with a little country called New Zealand.

Caught up in the current global pandemic known as the Coronavirus Covid-19. Also caught up in the errors and ramifications of rampant globalization.

What does it matter if a car costs $10000 more to make here or a fridge or tv which is $2000 instead of sub $1000.

You may say way too much. Hang on we cant survive without the rest of the world etc etc.

Let me say build it here. employ everyone to build everything here.

Who benefits from cheaper goods made everywhere but NZ. Well maybe the consumer buys a lot cheaper. or do they?. Open borders make for good cheap holidays in the pacific or indonesia or australia. What is the true cost.

Open borders cost every job and threaten our survival when disease emerges from those countries we love to visit.

Globalization is all about redistributing jobs and wealth to the rest of the world. Well that’s very fair.

Except the wealth tends to go to a small few and the jobs go to whomever is the cheapest point of manufacture. Country of Origin is starting to become synonymous with risk and reward.

The jobs go, the wealth goes to a small few. The tax burden is on the average worker, not the multinational. Who is the first to lay off excess staff before the bottom line is too badly affected Good business practice yes but socially responsible? I don’t think so.

Enough of that

Communism doesn’t work, fascism doesn’t work, dictatorships don’t work but rarely, Kingdoms are quaint or diabolical. Democracy doesn’t really work and capitalism well again enough said . Utopia maybe, maybe not, human nature is a very sad state some days but beautiful on others

Maybe its education or lack thereof.

Should students pay and borrow for education.

I don’t know should they.

If a young adult enters the workforce lets say Life force instead, If they emerge with a debt burden maybe its good . Get them in the saddle yolk them etc. Maybe they are so burdened they cant buy into said western ladder for 5-10 years. Great they live longer than their great grandparents providing the stress doesn’t knock them off, but that may help the medical industry certainly benefits the undertakers. Wow very grim we are.


Death, measure of, to pay your debt on pain of death. Wow something so heavy we treat so lightly.

Maybe we took a wrong turn somewhere maybe that’s why the Holocene age has ended and we are now in the Anthropocene age.

The age of man

The end of man as we know it and what about women. they have a say or maybe Adam tempted by Eve put paid to that leaving us where we are today. At least women can vote as well as bearing children. But rarely get paid the same as men.

Enough of that as well.

Where do we go from here.

We will examine in the course of months where we went wrong, but more importantly where we can go right. Remember you now only have about 10 years left to get this right. That is if you wish to truly enter the age of man .

Or maybe just survive.

Does that mean Judgement day is coming. I saw the movie Arney was really cool. Maybe its the Armageddon or maybe the antichrist is here and having a really good belly laugh. What do you think

manfromthesky@doomtrends.com coming soon.