A Strange turn of events

Well the world has changed in the past few days.

Afghanistan is an independent nation ruled by the taliban. Jury is out on that one.

Has the medieval cult moved up a notch. Good on them if they become a benign dictatorship or religious clergy government.

If they allow the afghans to rebuild a new nation with moderate and tolerant values so be it. If the Taliban enter the world stage as genuine leaders with genuine concern for their fellow afghans . Then the world should accept and assist where possible. First with food aid and second with covid vaccines.

The western powers meanwhile owe a debt to all the servicemen and women who served on their behalf and some who died to be somewhat betrayed by the chaotic withdrawal and leaderless governments. Hopefully they learn a valuable lesson. On how not to waste thousands of lives.

On a darker note . The entire balance of power worldwide has shifted for ever.