Friend, foe or exterminator.
Change-point for a soon to become extinct species. A warning; time to change everything.’
“A Quote from Saladin, when asked by a templar what is Jerusalem to you Saladin replied It is nothing but a trifle. Upon reflection, Saladin reportedly said it is everything. A few years after the capture of Jerusalem he died.”
Covid 19 Is Certainly different and not unexpected by a select few. Lets look at the common cold or flu.
The seasonal scourge which is diminished by way of a seasonal vaccine. for some, A nuisance, a week with various levels of aches and pains the sniffles. Then gone and done for this year. Generally speaking if you catch the flu its usually once in a year .
No guarantees with Covid and no effective vaccine currently. The variables and rates of contagion from person to person are more varied and frequent. Also no guarantee that if you catch Covid and have few symptom’s then its over for good!
NOT SO:- Indications are, you get it and the antibodies produced and left in your system to fight off the next encounter start to diminish within days. Six weeks to three months later, very few antibodies are left. Which means in a nutshell. What’s left of your microscopic army to fight off the next seasonal variation. Little or none. Few soldiers left to fight.
So we need a vaccine.
So far its proving elusive to find something which will be effective without damaging or killing some peoples major organs. It gets worse.
Meaning a new vaccine like the flu vaccine has to be created in advance for the next seasons variation.
The Spanish flu reportedly shortened the lives of people who contracted the disease then recovered. It was different by age and existing conditions but overall the outcome was 5-10 year less life expectancy.
So lets say Covid 19 is 2.5 – 3.5 times worse than the flu. I have also calculated a steady 3.5% morbidity rate in the first world. That is mainly due to western first world hygiene and medicine.
Second and third world have one defence. Total isolation and quarantine as most of those countries have poor hygiene and major health service shortfalls . Lets revise morbidity rate to 10 plus percent
Mathematical extrapolation of data suggests:-
If no cure or effective sequence vaccines are developed
The following may occur. shortened lifespan of all survivors across the human spectrum . More importantly fewer human healthy breeding stock
Re infection of a large number of humans, second wave then third and fourth wave
Social breakdown, economic chaos war mass migration turning into human barbarian migration wars , Dark age re-emergence for most land locked countries. Islands swamped with immigrants. Total social order breakdown.
Re-emergence of military type government’s.
The end of democracy and socialism.
Within almost two generations (30 years) human breeding stock falls to two billion worldwide.
Final population worldwide 200 million humans spread across the earth.
All bets are off to the form and style of life going forward. A dark age lasting 1000 years of misery?.
More on Covid in the next post.
RNA and DNA; Is Covid an intelligent life form, life, but not as we know it.(Captain James T Kirk. Star trek Captains log 1/112031)
Forced from the old ways. We leave earth to explore the universe . What better way to save the species . Space is the ultimate quarantine. With star ships going all across the universe and dimensions to the future.
Thanks Covid 19 You are truly novel. you kicked human butts from their cosy life, out where they belong on a new adventure.
What’s the point of a new beamer or jaguar ( had a few of those) What’s so great about slaving from payday to payday to service your MORTGAGE measure of your worth death is your bond etc to a corporation or bank.
Well they used to employ a lot of people and guard your wealth.
I could go on forever . A friend once said
You’re born; Go to school; Get a job; Get married ; Have kids; Get divorced; Get married again; Then you die.
Believe me humans, there is much more than that.
Yours truly,
Man in the Sky