Disturbed Nation 2

Well, Its been a while since i wrote. We all came down with a virus. Not Covid but something respiratory.

All my staff have had it . I ended up in Hospital with Pneumonia. No It wasn’t Covid or SARS Or Influenza or RSV.

We have had it on and off for 3 months and its still with us.

There are hundreds of new viral s circulating in different countries, which because of lock-downs. We are like the Incas to the Spaniards, or the Maori to the European. They got sick in the millions because they had no immunity to diseases, like measles and smallpox or flu. I watched with interest Mr president appealing for people to be vaccinated. Well for what its worth i believe some protection is better than none.

Lets face it Nations of the world Covid and Viral s are here to stay. We have to learn to live with them. Its mother nature doing the big re-balance. Putting humans in their place. We aren’t number one any longer, there are many species on this planet. Its high time we stopped wasting resources on trivial pointless things and put some thought into future generations.

The weather is a warning and reality. Its only going to get worse.

The human populations will start to plummet significantly from December this year. Till the new epoch starts and the balance is restored. Look at yourself, your family and see what each of us can do to slow this juggernaut down. Its coming for all of us.